NEWS YOU CAN USE is a brief, monthly email promotion that you can send to employees each month to advertise your EAP or wellness services to employees. We prepare the monthly promotion for you in an html format and deliver it to you via email, ready to forward to your client contacts or employees. It’s a very professional, positive and low-cost way to consistently remind employees that “your EAP is available to help them.”
Each issue features a very brief article covering a mental health or wellness topic intended to provide the employee with interesting and useful information that they will look forward to receiving each month. Your company name is featured at the top of the email to identify it as being from you…and your company logo and contact information are featured at the bottom of the email. In addition, you can type a brief greeting or email message to employees to begin your email.
Like all other Healthy Exchange communication products, NEWS YOU CAN USE delivers a positive, strong and consistent message to employees: “If you have a problem, it is solvable…and your EAP is here to help.”
Pricing is based on the number of employees covered by the EAP. The pricing below is per monthly issue:
Up to 10,000 employees……..$75 per month
10,001 and up…………………Call for pricing
Additional Information
SET UP FEE: There is a one-time fee of $75 to set up your custom email version (first issue only).
ADDITIONAL CUSTOMIZATION: The masthead at the top of the page and custom area at the bottom of the email can be customized to whatever degree is necessary to meet your needs.
ALSO AVAILABLE IN PDF FORMAT: You can also receive NEWS YOU CAN USE in a PDF format. Please contact us for additional information and pricing.
PRINTED COPIES: 4-color printed copies also available. Please contact us for additional information and pricing.
PUBLICATION DATES: NEWS YOU CAN USE is published monthly. It is recommended to be distributed during the first week of each month.
To Begin Publishing
To begin publishing your customized version of NEWS YOU CAN USE – or for additional information – contact Eric Jenican, Publisher, at (949) 360-1508 or email: