Welcome to Healthy Exchange ...your quarterly online newsletter from your Employee Assistance Program (EAP). Each issue provides information to help you better deal with personal, family or work-related concerns.

Your EAP is Here to Help
If you’re faced with a problem that seems too hard to solve on your own, your EAP can help you with free, confidential counseling, information or referrals. For more information or to schedule an appointment call:  (800) 493-3960.


Summer 2024 Edition

For Your Information


Being around negative, unhappy people can bring you down and make you feel equally unhappy. Negative energy is infectious, but so is positive energy. To improve your mood, spend as much time as you can around the happy people in your life.


Make the most of family time. Spend some time alone each day with your spouse and each child. Even if it is only for a few minutes, talk, read, or participate in an activity together. Also, plan special family events and ignore your weekend agenda of household duties once in a while and enjoy family time together.


Many people recognize excessive sadness as a sign of depression but did you know that symptoms of depression often include headaches, back pain, irritable bowel syndrome, chronic fatigue, anxiety, sleep problems, shortness of breath, and many other conditions? If you have persistent symptoms that resist treatment, the underlying problem might be depression. Call your EAP or doctor and ask to be examined for depression.


Healthy Exchange is © Jenican Communications. All Rights Reserved.
Disclaimer: This newsletter is not intended to provide medical advice on personal wellness matters. Please consult your physician for medical advice.