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Alcohol and drug problems occur at all educational and social levels, and in every age group. If you think that you (or a family member) may have a problem with alcohol or drugs, ask yourself the following questions. If the answer to any of them is "yes," you need to examine how your alcohol or drug use is affecting your health, safety, relationships, family, job performance or finances.


  1. Do you ever drink heavily or use drugs when you are disappointed, under pressure or have had a quarrel with someone?
  2. Do you sometimes feel guilty about your drinking or drug use? Do you do things while under the influence that you wouldn’t do otherwise? Do you find yourself regretting them later?
  3. Do you tell yourself you can stop drinking or using drugs any time you want to, but you keep getting drunk or high when you don’t intend to?
  4. Has a family member, friend, or your employer ever expressed concern or complained about your drinking or drug use? Are you annoyed by their concern? Do you become defensive?
  5. Do you sometimes have the "shakes" in the morning and find that it helps to have a "little" drink, tranquilizer or medication of some kind?
  6. Do you ever wake up the morning after with no memory of the night before? Have these "blackouts" become more frequent?
  7. Do you find yourself lying to your spouse, your kids, your friends, your employer to cover up your drinking or drug use - though you really don’t like lying?
  8. Have you had financial, work, family or legal problems as a result of your drinking or drug use?
  9. Do you drink or get high while alone?
  10. Have you driven a car while intoxicated or in a drug-induced haze? Have you ever been arrested for driving under the influence of a substance?
  11. Have you been drunk or high more than four times in the past year?
  12. Do you need to resort to alcohol or drugs in order to do something (start the day, work, have sex, or socialize, for example) or to change how you feel (sad, scared, anxious or angry), to banish shyness or bolster confidence?
  13. Do you notice you have an increased need for more alcohol or more of your drug of choice in order to feel high?
  14. Do you sometimes feel uncomfortable when you have to be somewhere where no alcohol or drugs will be available? When drinking or drugging with other people, do you keep going when everyone else has had enough?
  15. Are most of your friends or acquaintances people you drink or get high with? Do you try to avoid other friends and family when you’re drinking or using drugs?
  16. Has your drinking or drug use led to conflicts with your friends or family members? Do you regularly hide alcohol or drugs from those close to you so that they will not know how much you are using?
  17. Have you ever thought that your life might be better if you didn’t drink or use drugs, or that life as it is just isn’t worth living?
  18. Are you taking illegal drugs?

If you find the answer is "yes" to even two or three of the questions above, you should seriously consider the possibility that your drinking or drug use is a problem. Answering "yes" to three or more may indicate a dependency.

NOTE: The questionnaire above is for educational purposes only and does not provide a diagnosis of alcohol or drug abuse or addiction. It is not a substitute for a full evaluation by a healthcare professional, and should only be used as a guide to understanding your alcohol or drug use and related health issues.

Symptoms of chemical dependency

The preceding questions represent some of the symptoms of chemical dependency. Generally speaking, chemical dependency is the repeated use of a physical substance (alcohol, cocaine, marijuana, prescription drugs) that causes trouble in the user’s personal, professional or family life. When a chemically dependent person drinks or uses, they can’t always predict when they will stop, how much they’ll drink or use, or what the consequences of their drinking or drug use will be.

Do you have a problem?

Maybe you have a problem, and maybe you don’t. If you do, the odds are good that you’re denying it. Denial of the negative effects of alcohol or drugs in their lives is another usual symptom of chemical dependency.

What to do


National Council on Alcoholism and Drug Dependence (NCADD)
1-800-NCA-CALL (1-800-622-2255)

Provides phone numbers of local NCADD affiliates (who can provide information on local treatment resources) and educational materials on addiction via the above toll-free telephone number.

Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) (212) 870-3400

Makes referrals to local AA groups and provides informational materials on the AA program. Many cities also have a local AA office listed in the white pages of the telephone book. Note: The AA program is pertinent for both problem drinking or drug use.

Al-Anon Family Group Headquarters
1-888-4AL-ANON (1-888-425-2666)

Makes referrals to local Al-Anon groups, which are support groups for spouses, parents, family members or friends of people with an alcohol or drug problem. Also makes referrals to Alateen groups, which offer support to children of alcohol/drug abusers. Free information can be obtained by calling the following toll-free telephone number: (800) 356-9996.

Narcotics Anonymous (NA)
(818) 773-9999

Makes referrals to local NA groups and provides informational materials on the NA program. A recovery and support program for those seeking to overcome active addiction and live drug-free productive lives through the application of the principles contained within the Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions of NA.

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